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What We Can Do for You?
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What We Can Do for You?

Our focus
Is to assist you to generate revenue/cash-based
improvement projects that impact on your bottom-line.

We develop different learning journeys for individuals and companies

Self-Paced Online Learning

Corporate Instructor-Led Programmes

“Hands On” Experimental Learning

Lean Six Sigma Deployments

Operational Excellence Model

Agile Lean Six Sigma Execution Teams

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Novel Idea Agile Lean Six Sigma

We undertake AGILE LEAN SIX SIGMA by adapting each company’s journey so that it is exactly what they need, when they need it. We focus on the FAST-TRACKING of execution, either through an insource or outsource delivery model. We develop capacity (Belt development) and integrate AGILE and LEAN SIX SIGMA. This allows us to focus the journey on everything from FASTER EXECUTION on results to Business Process Reengineering, Business Process Improvement, and Problem Solving in the business. WE FOCUS on AGILE LEAN SIX SIGMA SCRUM TEAMS to deliver FASTER execution-driven RESULTS.

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Building Operational Excellence


We do this by adapting each company’s journey to be exactly what they need, when they need it. We focus on the building of capacity (Belt development) to integrating business improvement, innovation and problem solving, through execution-driven processes.

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“Hands On” Experimental Learning


All our programmes give you the experience of how to apply the methodologies through the most effective method, which is doing it yourself!
We are proud to say that all our clients are ’word of mouth clients’, as well as existing Belts that have progressed in their career and are willing to entrust us with their new journey of Operational Excellence.

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Corporate Virtual Instructor-Led Programmes


All our Corporate Virtual Instructor-Led programmes give you the experience of how to apply the DMAIC methodology through learning assignment and case study application, to deliver the required outcomes per DMAIC Methodology. The methodologies can be applied to a work-related project and comprise acess to our learning platform, virtual study halls that focus on application per phase of the methodology, and on-site application.

We are proud to say that all our clients are ‘word of mouth clients’, while existing Belts that have progressed in their career are always willing to entrust us with their new journey of Lean Six Sigma knowledge development.

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Self-Paced Online Learning


Self-paced learning is for individuals that want to experience the DMAIC methodology through learning assignment and learning content application, in order to deliver the required outcomes per DMAIC Methodology phase.

As with our other programmes, we are proud to say that all our clients are ‘word of mouth clients’, while existing Belts that have progressed in their career are always willing to entrust us with their new journey of Lean Six Sigma knowledge development.

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Lean Six Sigma from Problem-Solving to Process Improvement Methodologies

  • Lean Six Sigma
  • Design for Six Sigma for New Product, Process and Technology Design (DFSS)
  • Lean

Strategic Management Methodologies

  • Strategy
  • Balance Scorecards
  • Strategic and Operational Dashboards
  • Novel Idea’s Project Identification, Selection, Prioritization and Assignment
  • Change and Leadership Management
  • Many more

Facilitated Application


Novel Idea has a track record of around 85% – 100% success with regard to this programme, delivering Level 5 certification where Belts deliver two projects through an integrated process of training, application, gate reviews and certification. Success is the natural outcome of projects that change the company, people, processes and technologies, while delivering bottom line savings.

Lean Six Sigma Core Programmes

Lean Six Sigma

Yellow Belt

2 – 4 Days Training

Lean Six Sigma

Green Belt

8 – 10 Days Training

Lean Six Sigma

Black Belt

20 – 22 Days Training

Lean Six Sigma

Master Black Belt

5 Days Training

Lean Six Sigma

Champion Development

3 Days Training

Lean Six Sigma

Executive Sponsor

2 Days Training

Lean Six Sigma Customised Programmes


We develop tailor-made solutions that are specific to your company’s needs, in order to timeously provide the manager with the right information as an enabler, to ensure they make informed decisions.

Lean Six Sigma Consulting Services


Consulting Services include problem solving, process improvement, business improvement as well as a fully integrated approach to ensure senior leaders execute on all the keys to success.

Lean Six Sigma Training, Application, Gate Reviews & Certification


The Novel Idea Training Academy enables companies to achieve greatness. We are an accredited provider with the Service Seta and our offering contains all key components required to ensure successful initiation, deployment and acceleration of Lean Six Sigma based improvement initiatives. We teach students hands-on approaches and practical skills, which are easily translated into real life scenarios.

Facilitated Application

Novel Idea’s track record of above 85% – 100% of people on this process delivers 2 projects through an Integrated process of training, application, gate reviews and certification as the natural outcome of projects that changed company people, process and technology and delivered bottom line saving.

Where can Lean Six Sigma be used?

Any Industry
Any Company

Health & Pharmaceutical

Financial Services

Food & Beverage



Power & Electricity Utilities

Shared Services




Service Industry

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